Genetics associations in cerebral palsy; an issue still under study


  • Nel Darío Lara Arroyo
  • Mauricio Arias Franco
  • Doris Valencia Valencia



Palsy, Cerebra, Genetics.


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a motor disorder of central origin with a heterogeneous
presentation, which is attributed multiple risk factors; but in fact its etiology is little known. New advances in genetics as exome and genomic sequencing have allowed to be closer to the genetic associations with the PC. It have been found the involvement of genetic factors that appear to be predisposing and in other cases, mutations in genes that can be potentially pathogenic, also associated with other neurological disorders. Understanding the underlying genetic factors in the presentation of the PC; it have allowed reevaluate the concepts that exists about the PC as well as the possibility of a better classification of this, which enables routing the therapeutic alternatives with a greater certainty. Nevertheless there is still needs to know the causal role in the PC. Genetic research becomes an important tool in patients with PC, especially after exhausting other diagnostic tools and continuous lack of knowledge
of its etiology.


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How to Cite

Lara Arroyo ND, Arias Franco M, Valencia Valencia D. Genetics associations in cerebral palsy; an issue still under study. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2016 Oct. 24 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];26(1):30-7. Available from:


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