Functional characterization and quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease in a third level hospital Bogotá D.C., Colombia




Parkinson’s Disease, Mobility Limitation, Quality of Life (MeSH).


Introduction. Parkinson’s disease is considered the second neurodegenerative disease, generating motor and neuropsychiatric disability; It is a multifactorial disease, bradykinesia, the cardinal symptom followed by tremor, stiffness and postural instability; which impacts the functionality and quality of life of the patient. Epidemiological studies show that the prevalence of this disease in Colombia is 4.7 affected per thousand people over 50 years. For this reason it is necessary to quantify the commitment and care needs of these patients.Objectives. The objective was the functional characterization and quality of life of 60 patients with Parkinson’s disease in a third level hospital, Bogotá DC. In the period from November 2015 to June 2016.

Materials and methods. Cross-sectional study with an analytical component, 60 patients met the inclusion criteria, the PDQ-39 quality of life questionnaire and the functionality scale for patients with Parkinson’s disease MDS-UPDRS were applied.

Results: they showed 55% (33) men and 45% (27) women, with an average of 67 years, with a range between 40-84 years. The greatest deterioration was evident in the domains of mobility, activities of daily living, cognition and bodily discomfort.

Discussion and conclusions. In patients with Parkinson’s disease of a level III hospital. Bogota Colombia. There is a moderate commitment in the quality of life, in the domains of mobility and activities of daily life. In the functional aspect, clinically a motor commitment in the aspects of bradykinesia, gait and rigidity was evident.


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How to Cite

Avendaño-Avendaño SB, Bernal-Pacheco O, Esquivia-Pájaro CT. Functional characterization and quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease in a third level hospital Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 2 [cited 2024 Jul. 9];29(2):93-102. Available from:


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