The reuse of devices in electromyography: a safe and responsible act with our patients, the care of the health system and the environment


  • Diana Patricia Martínez Trujillo Médica Fisiatra, Magíster en Bioética. Jefe Servicio de Rehabilitación. Clínica Juan Luis Londoño SaludCoop. Medellín Colombia


Reuse, electromyography, bioethics, social justice.


Similarly to many other countries, Colombia has a health system with limited resources. The controlled double blinded studies currently available have been carried out with reusable
devices in such a responsible way that there has not been any safety risk or lack of efficiency. The responsible reuse of medical devices in the world has arisen as a safe and ethical measure to control and, eventually decrease the public expenditure. Besides, it represents an opportunity to better accomplish cost-effective policies in the fields of health and environment protection. The
materials of which they are made and the type of procedure that is done with the electrodes of insertion in electromyography, make safe, ethical and viable its reuse.


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How to Cite

Martínez Trujillo DP. The reuse of devices in electromyography: a safe and responsible act with our patients, the care of the health system and the environment. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2012 Apr. 19 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];20(2):32-41. Available from:


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