Physiotherapeutic approach to a patient with meningo-myelocele, polymicrogyria, and syringomyelia




Rehabilitation, Treatment Outcome, Meningomyelocele, Polymicrogyria, Electric Stimulation Therapy, Physical Therapy Modalities, Nervous System Malformations (MeSH).


The result of the physiotherapeutic intervention applied to a girl after spinal cord malformation correction surgery is described. In the surgical procedure, a spinal canal decompression was performed, extradural and intradural lipoma resection and correction of lipomeningomyelocele and anchored marrow with neurophysiological monitoring. The patient had been diagnosed with polymicrogyria and syringomyelia classification ASIA A. She was treated with a physiotherapy approach based on the Vojta method during the first year of life, then supplemented with electrotherapy. The objective of the intervention with this treatment was to unblock the circuits of the spinal cord and the brain, achieving proper functioning of the Central Nervous System to regulate muscle tone, communication and muscular functions. After two and a half years of treatment, walking was achieved with an adequate motor pattern, complete language, schooling and a decrease in the number of catheterizations with complete sphincter control and ASIA E classification.


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How to Cite

Castro-Galeano SM. Physiotherapeutic approach to a patient with meningo-myelocele, polymicrogyria, and syringomyelia. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 2 [cited 2024 May 11];29(2):111-2. Available from:


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