Extracorporeal shock wave therapy as a non-surgical alternative for carpal tunnel syndrome


  • Luisa Fernanda Castaño-Herrera Residente de 1er. año, Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C. (Colombia). https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1646-864X
  • Jorge Arturo Díaz-Ruiz Profesor Titular, Departamento de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Director Médico, Centro de Investigación en Fisiatría y Electrodiagnóstico (CIFEL), Bogotá D.C. (Colombia). https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7614-0809




Carpal tunnel syndrome, Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, Median neuropathy


Recently extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been postulated for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome as an effective, non-invasive, and with few adverse effects. A 49-year-old woman with a 3-year history of moderate bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, with no improvement with conventional measures and with criteria for surgical management. However, due to the patient’s refusal, a conservative management was proposed, with a session of radial shock wave therapy of continuous frequency and intensity of 4 Bar, 15 Hz frequency, 5000 shocks. Six months after the intervention, recovery in the neurophysiological parameters is documented bilaterally, but clinically and functionally there was only complete improvement in the left hand, registering worsening in the right hand, which required surgical release with good results. Currently the patient is asymptomatic in both hands. Treatment with radial shock waves constitutes an effective alternative for the conservative management of mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome, it has good tolerance in patients, guaranteeing adherence to the intervention.


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How to Cite

Castaño-Herrera LF, Díaz-Ruiz JA. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy as a non-surgical alternative for carpal tunnel syndrome. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2021 May 11 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];30(2):167-73. Available from: https://revistacmfr.org/index.php/rcmfr/article/view/258


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