Quality of life related with the health and family operation in amputated patients





Amputated, quality of life, family, EuroQol-5D.


Objective. To evaluate the quality of life related with the health in patients with amputation independently of the cause, as well as, to evaluate the family relationships starting from their own perceptions.

Methodology. It was carried out a descriptive and transverse study, in amputated patients who belong to the area of health of the educational and academical Polyclinic of Cerro (La Habana, Cuba), who went there for rehabilitation treatment. The study group was conformed by 26 patients during the March 2017-January of 2020 period who completed the inclusion approaches.

Results. Most of those amputated people were men between 55 and 65 years, with a 57 year- old half age. Patients that had deficient material conditions of life predominated in the study, with 80.7 % among regular and bad, according to the five dimensions of the EuroQol-5D distributed by frequency, prevailed the patients that were in the level 2 with some or moderate problems, the biggest percent in the patients with psychological problems belonged todysfunction families, as well as the patients with a half level of mobility and development of some daily activities belonged to functional or moderately functional families.

Conclusions. Few or moderate problems existed in the five dimensions of the quality of life. The family operation contributed in the perception of the state of health that oscillated among the range of 50 and more, in most of the cases, with an improvement of the quality of these patients’ life. Key words. Amputated, quality of life, family, EuroQol-5D.


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How to Cite

Estévez-Perera A. Quality of life related with the health and family operation in amputated patients. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];30(1):11-20. Available from: https://revistacmfr.org/index.php/rcmfr/article/view/266


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