Dysautonomic crisis in patients with severe TBI in the period of rehabilitation


  • Melina Longoni Medicina Física y Rehabilitación.
  • Juan Bennazar L. Medicina Física y Rehabilitación.
  • Jacob Tejada V. Neurología. Centro Integral de Rehabilitación – APREPA
  • Garrote J. Neurología. Centro Integral de Rehabilitación – APREPA


dysautonomi, brain injuries, diagnostic imaging.


Objective: to describe clinical manifestations of DC, treatment and imaging findings in patients with severe TBI during rehabilitation period.

Methods: patients with severe TBI (GCS <8 in the accident) who presented DC were admitted to rehab, description of symptoms caused by the crisis, specific treatment and correlate imaging in MRI.

Results: from 59 patients, 10 (16%) had DC, 60% male, mean age 32.Hospitalization period in ICU between 24 - 150 days.
Requirements in the ICU: 60% ICP monitoring and neurosurgery, 100% Mechanical ventilation and treatment of infections, 90% received anticonvulsants. On admission to rehabilitation 60% showed DRS 9, 100% GCS <8 and 80% Rancho Los Amigos (RLA) Level II. At discharge 50% persisted GCS <8, 9, RLA DRS level II and 60% had GOS Level 2, Level 3 20% and 20% level 5.

Clinical manifestations: tachycardia 100%, 90% perspiration and hyperextension, 80% hypertension, 60% hyperthermia and abnormal movements. It was treated in emergency ward, 100% of cases with diazepam solving the clinical profile.

Neuroimaging: 100% Diffuse axonal injury, 70% intracranial hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage 40% and 10% subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Discussion: the prognosis of these patients in the short and long term is bad, which can be translated into a worse score on functional scales. Regarding the imaging findings, the results are very heterogeneous, a type of radiological predictor of the picture cannot be identified, but it could be inferred that the Diffuse axonal injury,can be a predisposing factor.


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How to Cite

Longoni M, Bennazar L. J, Tejada V. J, J. G. Dysautonomic crisis in patients with severe TBI in the period of rehabilitation. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2012 Apr. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];21(1):49-54. Available from: https://revistacmfr.org/index.php/rcmfr/article/view/6


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