Systematic review and meta analisys of the effective use of alendronate, in control of osteoporosis in adult patients with spinal cord injury


  • Daniel Enrique Suárez Acevedo Universidad de los Andes.
  • Andrés Camilo Cardozo Alarcón Universidad de los Andes.


spinal cord injury, osteoporosis, alendronate, bone density.


Justification: It is estimated that the annual incidence of spinal cord injury cases is about 40 per million population in the U.S., with consequent early alteration in bone microarchitecture in sublessional areas and that the fracture risk increases 2% each year, with a prevalence of fractures estimated at 34%. Is not much consensus on the pharmacological management of osteoporosis in the literature, it has been decided to conduct a systematic review of the use of alendronate in adult patients with spinal cord injury (SCI).

Objective: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of alendronate studies in order to determine the efficacy and safety of pharmacological therapy on the progression of osteoporosis in adult patients with SCI compared with standard therapy.

Method: A research was done on randomized controlled trials, using terms such as “spinal cord injury, alendronate, bone loss, bone mineral density, osteoporosis, DEXA”. The intervention with alendronate and calcium was evaluated in a total of 3 articles. By statistical analysis performed with the Biostat Comprehensive MetaAnalysis 2.0. The control and experimental group were taken in order to evaluate the T-Score for lumbar spine and lower limbs at the beginning of the treatment and then after 6 months, to obtain the differences of the variables.

Conclusion: The high heterogeneity of the items does not allow a combination thereof. Alendronate therapy is effective and safe in reducing loss of BMD and this effect was maintained for 6 months after stopping treatment. The routinely use of calcium as monotherapy in patients with SCI is not effective in terms of reduction or prevention of osteoporosis.

Author Biographies

Daniel Enrique Suárez Acevedo, Universidad de los Andes.

Universidad de los Andes.

Andrés Camilo Cardozo Alarcón, Universidad de los Andes.

Universidad de los Andes.


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How to Cite

Suárez Acevedo DE, Cardozo Alarcón AC. Systematic review and meta analisys of the effective use of alendronate, in control of osteoporosis in adult patients with spinal cord injury. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2012 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];22(2):155-63. Available from:


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