Spinal cord injury and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation


  • Camilo Adolfo Leal Verdugo Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Unidad de Rehabilitación Cardiaca y Pulmonar, Hospital Central de la Policía. Bogotá, Colombia. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7892-0953
  • Diego Mauricio Chaustre Ruiz Programa de Rehabilitación Cardiopulmonar, Hospital Central de la Policía, Bogotá, Colombia. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2795-8740




Spinal cord trauma, cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, physiology, functional tests, exercise.


People with spinal cord injury have cardiopulmonary and physical alterations beyond the secondary motor compromise due to spinal cord injury, causing deconditioning, alteration in respiratory dynamics, circulating blood volume, and sedentary lifestyle, increasing cardiovascular risk. Exercise is a management tool for these abnormalities with little clinical diffusion. We describe its importance for the spinal cord injured patient, the mechanisms of functional evaluation and exercise formulation. The benefits are the optimization of cardiac output, the respiratory muscle balance and the improvement in performance in basic daily activities, and its functionality related to walking and mobility devices. The functional assessment has specific protocols depending on the level of injury, as well as the prescription of exercise. Cardiac, pulmonary rehabilitation programs as well as the prescription of exercise should be considered in rehabilitation programs and management of the patient with spinal cord injury.


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How to Cite

Leal Verdugo CA, Chaustre Ruiz DM. Spinal cord injury and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 9 [cited 2024 May 31];30(1):54-66. Available from: https://revistacmfr.org/index.php/rcmfr/article/view/237


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