Results of the application of a program of physical exercise therapeutic rehabilitation in patient with hemiplegic syndrome post stroke


  • Jorge de Lázaro Coll Costa Policlínico Docente Cerro. Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.
  • Abel Estévez Perera Profesor asistente. Policlínico Docente Cerro. Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.
  • Jorge Enrique Martín Cordero Profesor asistente. Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Quirúrgicas. Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.
  • Adonis Estévez Perera Profesor asistente. Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico “10 de Octubre”. Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba.


hemiplegia, rehabilitation, exercise.


Introduction: the treatment and the rehabilitation of the hemiplegic patient adult it has became an important medical and social problem.
Objective: to evaluate the results of the individual program of physical rehabilitation in patient with hemiplegics syndrome post stroke.
Methods: it was carried out prospective study of experimental type in patients with hemiplegic syndrome post stroke and belonging to Policlinic University Educational Cerro, from September of the 2004 to September of the 2009. It was evaluated through the scale of Barthel the level of independence of the patient with regard to the realization of activities of the daily life and of the Tinetti index, clinical measuring instrument of the falling hazard before, during and after the treatment. The study included 44 patients of a universe of 165, of them an experimental group with 22 hemiplegics that carried out the program study object and a group control to which was applied the conventional treatment keeping in mind the age and the time of evolution.
Results: in the patients to which were applied the experimental program; the results were respectively of 95 and 23.5 points for the Barthel index and the test of Tinetti, punctuation higher to the opposing one in the group control.
Conclusions: all the rehabilitate patients achieved improvement, with better results in the experimental group. What demonstrated the benefits of the programs of used treatment.


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How to Cite

Coll Costa J de L, Estévez Perera A, Martín Cordero JE, Estévez Perera A. Results of the application of a program of physical exercise therapeutic rehabilitation in patient with hemiplegic syndrome post stroke. Rev. Colomb. Med. Fis. Rehabil. [Internet]. 2012 Apr. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];21(2):68-75. Available from:


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